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[Ayuda] Conferencia de David Axmark, cofundador de MySQL, en la ciudad de México

 David (al igual que varios desarrolladores de MySQL AB) se encuentra en
México en estos días, y accedió amablemente a ofrecer una conferencia
acerca de MySQL.

Título: MySQL: The Commercial OpenSource Database
Lugar: Sala de Conferencias, ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de
México), campus Río Hondo
Fecha: jueves 16 de octubre de 2003
Hora: 16:30 hrs
Entrada libre

 The conference will cover a bit of history, background and then new
features inversion 4.0, 4.1 and 5.0 of MySQL.

Biografía de David:

 David Axmark, Co-founder: David Axmark, one of the founders of MySQL
AB,was involved with the MySQL database well before it had a name. David
now writes MySQL code and documentation, and he promotes the database at
conferences and other venues throughout the world. David has worked as a
consultant and software developer for nearly 20 years. Interested in
free software since the early '80s, David is committed to developing a
successful business model through open source software.

 Before MySQL took over all time David worked as a consultant for over
15 years. The things he did included A State of the art Market research
system (CommonLISP+CLOS+MySQL's ISAM) and a Advanced Business graphics
package (in 32k RAM). He has written many lines of code in 6502 and Z80
assembler, BASIC, C, CommonLisp, (Bourne)-Shell and Perl.

 Hobbies include mountain hiking, discgolf and ultimate.

 Indicaciones para llegar al ITAM:

 La conferencia será en inglés y no, lo siento, no contaremos con
sistema de traducción simultánea.

__(o< | Nombres/Names:        Cristian Othón  |  cfuga en linuxppp com
\/|/  | Apellidos/Last Names: Martínez Vera   | http://linuxppp.com/
/_/_  |                                       | http://cfuga.net/
      |    "Pulchrum est paucorum hominum"    - Horace
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