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RE: [Sop.Tec.LinuxPPP] Php+mail+html

Me contesto sólo (de la página de php):

pandore en altern org
16-May-2000 05:00 
My name is Pandore. I have received a lot of mail concerning the PHP class i
made, with you can send an HTml content and pictures associates. 

It's more simple for me (and for you) to download it. So go at this adress :


I'm sorry but the notice is in French. So, if you have a problem, you can
send me a mail ;-)

Saludos y gracias

-----Original Message-----
From: Bravo, David (CORP, MTC) 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:44 PM
To: linux en pepe net mx
Subject: [Sop.Tec.LinuxPPP] Php+mail+html

Alguien sabe cómo debo formatear, o que headers incluir o lo que sea para
que un mail mandado por php sea enviado con formato html???
saludos y gracias
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