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Asking for Help!!

Dear sir,
   I am using SMBlib and I am encountering a problem now.
   I have sent a mail to "sharpe en nmesis enet dec com" ,but
this mail address has been changed.So I send it to you.(I found 
the address on a web page about SMBlib)
   When I use the test program "test_smblib" in samba-lib package
(smblib-0.50/source/SMBlib/test_smblib).It can only list the normal 
files but not directories(I use filename="\\*.*").Are there any 
other functions I can use to list all the files and directories 
in a directory ? After I look through the source file I still can't 
find the answer.
    Can you help me? Or tell me how I can find some help? Thanks in
                                                Yours sincerely, 

[Hilos de Discusión] [Fecha] [Tema] [Autor]