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se acerca el 2001...

Holas lista,

Esto salió en la lista de v4l:

This is for a project on automatic lip-reading. We have the system
working on mpeg databases and now we want to port it to real-time
capture/recognition. Anyway,  I would love to do the whole thing in
Linux instead of NT but it is very hard to find documentation. 

La pregunta es: ¿HAL-9000 correrá bajo NT o bajo Linux?
creo que es trivial demostrar que en efecto será un redhat...


`` At one point, the President inserted a cigar into Ms. Lewinsky's
   vagina, then put the cigar in his mouth and said: "It tastes good." ''
						K. Starr

[Hilos de Discusión] [Fecha] [Tema] [Autor]