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Noticia Linux

Me acaba de llegar este mail de un empleado de SCO.

>FR: Mike Foster 
>TO: SCO Employees Worldwide
>RE: Linux-related announcement from SCO
>Tomorrow at 6am Pacific Standard Time (US), SCO is making a
>Linux-related announcement (please consider this SCO-confidential until
>that time).  For background on this announcement, up to date positioning
>on Open Source and Linux, and core Q&A's please visit the
>marketing.sco.com page for details (this internal site is expected to go
>live at 1 am PST US on 10/14).  I also recommend a visit to our external
>Linux page at www.sco.com and www.sco.com/linux (external pages will go
>live at 6am PST US on 10/14). 
>An portion of this announcement is provided below.  
>----clipped from release---
>Expands Strategic Involvement in Linux Community, Takes Stake in Leading
>Linux Portal 
>SANTA CRUZ, CA (October 14, 1999) -- SCO (NASDAQ: SCOC) today announced
>it has made a significant investment and formed a strategic partnership
>with LinuxMall.com, the leading Linux e-commerce site and vendor-neutral
>Linux portal. 
>As part of its ongoing strategy to support the Linux and Open Source
>movements, SCO along with Hambrecht & Quist have committed to a
>substantial investment program, aimed at allowing LinuxMall.com to
>dramatically increase their growth. As a result of this investment, SCO
>becomes the largest external investor and will hold a seat on the board
>of WGS, Inc., the parent company to LinuxMall.com. 
>"SCO has a long history in the Open Systems and Open Source movements,"
>said Doug Michels, president and CEO of SCO. "We have been distributing
>Open Source offerings for over five years as part of our product line.
>LinuxMall.com is a fast-growing company with a very compelling business
>model. The LinuxMall.com opportunity provides SCO with a way to pursue
>new business opportunities in the Linux marketplace with a partner that
>is distribution neutral."
>---end of clipping ---
>Mike Foster
>Director of Corporate Communications, SCO
>mikef en sco com
>(831) 427-7732

Ing. Roberto Leal Guerra
Editora el Sol, S.A. de C.V.
Tel. 345-5100 ext. 2972
e-mail:  rleal en elnorte com mx

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