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Re: message filter

man procmail
man procmailrc
man procmailex

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999 dabicho en hotaru dhis org wrote:

> Como puedo filtrar mensajes para que lleguen a diferentes folders?
> Lei la ayuda de pine, y dice que eso no se hace con pine =)
> con que se hace?
> sendmail?
> gracias, bye!
> Growing up happens in a heartbeat. 
> One day you're in diapers; the next day you're gone. 
> But the memories of childhood stay with you 
> for the long haul. 
> I remember a place ..... a town ..... a house 
> like a lot of houses...... 
> A yard like a lot of other yards.... 
> On a street like a lot of other streets. 
> And the thing is ..... After all these years, 
> I still look back ... with WONDER. 
> David Gomez. ?ú?{?ê?Ì?w?¶
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Adriano Manuel Galano Díez (Bryam)
Administrador de Sistemas
AUBAY SDS, Síntesis de Sistemas
e-mail: agalano en aubay es
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"La sabiduría es un don, pero no del que la sabe sino del que la cultiva"

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