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My name is Andrea and I'm in charge of doing to promotion of our Linux Expo
North America Show that is going to be held in Montreal next april.

We expect 6000 people and 100 exhibitors all the majors players like Red
Hat, IBM, Compaq, Hewlette Packard Corel etc. are going to be here for the

We also going to have something special for the Community, as Generation
Tux.  Also: / days COnference, Capital Linux, Keynotes Sessions etc.

I would have like to know if you developp products with the Linux platform
if so, I will send you more information about us and the Show.

You can reach me at andrea roy en skyevents com or 514 842 2221

Hope to hear from you pretty soon because we all work for the booming of
Linux !

Andrea Roy
Sales Manager-Directrice des ventes
Sky Events Amériques / Linux Expo
360 rue Notre Dame ouest, Bur.103
Montreal, QC - H2Y 1T9

T.: (514) 842-2221
F.: (514) 842-2228

Linux Expo Ameriques
10-12 Avril 2000
Palais des congrès de Montréal

Linux Expo, Tux Generation Tour
Paris 1- 2-3 February 2000 - France
Barcelone 8-9-10 February 2000 - Espagne
Montreal 10-11-12 April 2000 - Canada

Very Soon Linux Expo
Germany, Italy, U.K., Sweden, Singapore, Shangaï, Sydney.

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[Hilos de Discusión] [Fecha] [Tema] [Autor]