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[MailServer Notification] virus encontrado en correo

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message.  The message
details were: 
Sender = d00008378 en synnex com mx
Recipient(s) = linux-aprobar en opensource org mx;
Subject = Re: Extended Mail System
Scanning time = 04/24/2004 14:22:42
Engine/Pattern = 7.000-1004/1.867.00

Action taken on message:
The attachment document.zip contained WORM_NETSKY.P virus. ScanMail took the
action: Deleted. 
El servidor antivirus ha detectado un virus en el correo

enviado por: d00008378 en synnex com mx

al correo: linux-aprobar en opensource org mx;

con asunto:Re: Extended Mail System

el dia 04/24/2004 a las 02:22 PM
realizando al archivo la siguiente accion: document.zip/Deleted 

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