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Re: [Sop.Tec.LinuxPPP] Squid ......

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Gerardo Herrera Tenorio wrote:

> cache_peer direccion.ip.del.server parent 8080 3130

> el problema es que el otro server no tiene habilitado el
> puerto 3130 y no se como ponerlo como non_ICP

	#         icp_port:  Used for querying neighbor caches about
	#                    objects.  To have a non-ICP neighbor
	#                    specify '7' for the ICP port and make sure the
	#                    neighbor machine has the UDP echo port
	#                    enabled in its /etc/inetd.conf file.

 ¿ya intentaste esto?

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		-- Chilo

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