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de nuevo KDE

bueno, desde que instale el KDE me ha marcado algunas veces este warning:

warning: setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") failed.
warning: LC_ALL = "(null)", LC_CTYPE = "(null)", LANG = "language",
warning: falling back to the "C" locale.

y ahorta que quise utilizar el fstool me manda esto:

warning: setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") failed.
warning: LC_ALL = "(null)", LC_CTYPE = "(null)", LANG = "language",
warning: falling back to the "C" locale.
    while executing
"close $fd"
    (procedure "reload" line 45)
    invoked from within
    (file "/usr/bin/fstool" line 1150)

como lo puedo arreglar??


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