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[Ayuda] Motivos para desarrollar y adoptar software libre

Que tal Linuxeros,

Les copio un breve fragmento de una noticia que habla del porque paises en desarrollo deben de adoptar el esquema de software libre y mantenerse alejados de acuerdos internacionales (lease E.U.A.!) para eviatr restricciones.

"Report: Nations Need Open Source"
ZDNet UK (09/13/02); Loney, Matt 
The Commission on Intellectual Property Rights has issued a report recommending that developing nations promote IT education and the use of low-cost software by avoiding restrictive legislation and adopting open-source technology. Specifically, the commission's report said that smaller, less developed countries should avoid being drawn into international agreements such as the WIPO Copyright Treaty, which is reminiscent of the United States' Digital Millennium Act and the EU's Copyright Directive. The report said that developing countries should instead make legal software more accessible by getting involved in software licensing, even voiding restrictive or unfair licenses for shrink-wrapped software when necessary. The commission also noted that open-source software would help people in poorer countries avoid pirating proprietary software because it would overcome an all-important cost barrier. So that they can adapt software to meet local needs, developing nations should !
certify that reverse engineering of software programs is allowable under copyright law that also adheres to associated international agreements they have entered into. "Stronger protection and enforcement of copyright rules may well reduce access to knowledge required by developing to support education and research, and access to copyrighted products such as software," the commission cautions. "This would have damaging consequences for developing their human resources and technological capacity, and for poor people."

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