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[Ayuda] Sobre clusters y mosix

Aca les forwardeo este mensaje. Recuerdan los mensajes sobre clusters,
mosix, etc.

Creo que esta es una buena descripcion de las caracteristicas y
propiedades del mosix y sirve para aclarar las dudas al repecto.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 16:45:43 -0500 (EST)
From: Donald Becker <becker en scyld com>
To: Timothy H. Keitt <tkeitt en mail utexas edu>
Cc: "'beowulf en beowulf org'" <beowulf en beowulf org>
Subject: Re: Beowulf [& VMWare]

> On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 13:30, Donald Becker wrote:
> > On 31 Oct 2002, Timothy H. Keitt wrote:
> > 
> > As most list readers know, I consider Mosix to be an academically
> > interesting system and its transparent process migration an excellent
> > touchstone to compare process migration approachs.
> > 
> > Mosix is not a good system for scalable or performance-oriented
> > clustering, and I agree with your conclustion that Mosix+VMware
> > application serving is not a good match.

> Mosix
>   moves the migration policy into the kernel,
>   has (deliberately) slow job migration to avoid scheduling hot-spots
>   uses in-kernel communication forwarding

> While these allow unaware, and unmodified, applications to be migrated,
> they are exactly the wrong decisions for MPI and PVM applications.
> MPI and PVM
>   explicitly and simultaneously starts a known number of subprocesses,
>   knows where those subprocesses should be, and
>   builds new, explicit communication paths

> The total effect is that Mosix takes much longer to start MPI/PVM jobs,
> and has much higher overhead.

> The features Mosix provides are
>  single point application updates
>  single process space view
> Scyld Beowulf provides these at much lower CPU overhead.

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