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[Ayuda] Para los acronimos (p. ej. RTFM)...

¡Hey, hey! no se espanten, no voy a seguir la discución... simplemente es para compartirles algo que econtre leyendo acerca de el RTFM.


habla sobre el comando "dict"

% man dict

DICT(1)                                                   DICT(1)

      dict - DICT Protocol Client

      dict word
      dict [options] [word]
      dict [options] dict://host:port/d:word:database
      dict [options] dict://host:port/m:word:database:strategy

      dict  is  a  client  for  the  Dictionary  Server Protocol
      (DICT), a TCP transaction  based  query/response  protocol
      that  provides access to dictionary definitions from a set
      of natural language dictionary databases.

Por ejemplo ;-)

%  dict rtfm
3 definitions found

From Jargon File (4.3.0, 30 APR 2001) [jargon]:

 RTFM /R-T-F-M/ imp. [Unix] Abbreviation for `Read The Fucking Manual'.
    1. Used by {guru}s to brush off questions they consider trivial or
    annoying. Compare {Don't do that then!}. 2. Used when reporting a
    problem to indicate that you aren't just asking out of {randomness}.
    "No, I can't figure out how to interface Unix to my toaster, and yes, I
    have RTFM." Unlike sense 1, this use is considered polite. See also
    {FM}, {RTFAQ}, {RTFB}, {RTFS}, {STFW}, {RTM}, all of which mutated from
    RTFM, and compare {UTSL}.

Ta' chido !!!! :-D


Francisco Vázquez ICQ: 99760230
"La libertad, es el pensamiento mismo, quien rechaza
al pensamiento y habla de libertad no sabe lo que dice"

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