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Re: [Linux] Ayuda con mailman

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, [X-UNKNOWN] Sandra Cortés Martínez wrote:

Aqui esta la clave...

> The most likely cause is that Mailman was configured and installed
> incorrectly. Please read the INSTALL instructions again, paying close
> attention to the --with-cgi-gid configure option. This entry is being
> stored in your syslog: 
> Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 524, GOT gid 99.  (Reconfigure to take
> 99?)

Lee bien el INSTALL, pero creo tienes que reinstalar, y checar bien la
opcion --with-cgi-gid y las opciones que tiene que llevar, creo solo es
cosa de hacer esto, --with-cgi-gif=99


Ing. Anibal J. Avelar (Fixxxer)      Tel-Celu:  044-25-33-1097
Maestria en Ciencia e Ingenieria de la Computacion, MCIC-IIMAS
Site: http://www.mcc.unam.mx/~avelar  E-mail: avelar en mpsnet net mx
Fixxxer Linux User: 170607 MPSnet Desarrollo Linux.

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