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Re: [Linux] problema con sendmail....

Sacado del FAQ de Sendmail:

How can I solve "MX list for hostname points back to hostname" and "config 
error: mail loops back to myself" messages?

Date: January 17, 1997
Updated: May 8, 2000
Updated: January 24, 2002

I'm getting these error messages:

553 MX list for domain.net points back to relay.domain.net
	554 <user en domain net>... Local configuration error

How can I solve this problem?

You have asked mail to a domain (e.g., domain.net) to be forwarded to a 
specific host (in this case, relay.domain.net) by using an MX record, but 
the relay machine doesn't recognize itself as domain.net. Add domain.net 
to /etc/mail/local-host-names [known as /etc/sendmail.cw prior to version 
8.10] (if you are using FEATURE(`use_cw_file')) or add "Cw domain.net" to 
your configuration file.

There are a couple of additional cases where you don't actually want local 
delivery, and thus adding domain.net to class w is not the right fix:

    * When relay.domain.net should just be acting as a forwarder, e.g. a 
firewall/gateway box. The proper fix could be to set up a mailertable 
entry for domain.net.
    * When relay.domain.net is a secondary (etc.) MX, and the MX 
mistakenly points to a CNAME or other "non-canonical" name [this gives 
"config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)"]. The proper fix is to 
point the MX at the actual name, a "work-around" to add the MX target to 
class w.

IMPORTANT: When making changes to your configuration file, be sure you 
kill and restart the sendmail daemon (for any change in the configuration, 
not just this one):

kill -HUP `head -1 /var/run/sendmail.pid`

Note: You can also get this error message (MX loops ...) when two sendmail 
systems talk to each other, and both have the same value of $j . The best 
solution is "don't do that." 



On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, mario alberto martinez hernandez wrote:

> Buenas tardes.....
> Me anda dando problemas un servidor de sendmail, ya le cheque la
> configuracion y he logrado que salgan los correos y que funcione el pop
> 3, pero cuando me mandan un correo desde afuera me regresa el correo con
> la siguiente leyenda:
> ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> 553 mail.server.com.mx. config error: mail loops back to me (MX
> problem?)
> 554 <marioal en server com mx>... Local configuration error
> alguna sugerencia??, es un redhat 6.2 con el sendmail que viene en esta
> distribucion, segun yo ya cheque el sendmail.mc y le puse bien los
> features, pero no jala, se que ha de ser algo sencillo, pero la verdad es
> que ya me acelere y no veo solucion, alguien me podria echar la mano.
> gracias!
> MarioX
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